
Advanced analysis of subsurface composition to optimize reservoir potential.


About the service

Our advanced geochemistry program offers timely, cost-effective solutions, including real-time isotope analysis for sweet spot prediction, pore pressure indications, and geosteering guidance. We specialize in innovative methodologies like RockPORE for nano-porosity analysis, onsite mud gas isotope analysis for iGOR prediction with phase separation indication ,time-lapse headspace gas isotopes analysis for pore pressure and nano-porosity characterization, Tight Oil Analysis (TOA) to differentiate producible zones. Additional services include Source Rock Analysis for resource allocation, X-Ray Diffraction for mineral composition, and on-site X-Ray Fluorescence for elemental analysis. With cutting-edge technology and expert interpretation, we empower operators to optimize drilling and production strategies efficiently.

Our Geochemistry Services

Unlock actionable insights with cutting-edge geochemical services, from real-time isotope analysis to advanced source rock evaluation and mineral composition studies

Isotope Analysis

Onsite isotope analysis of δ13C1-3 for both mud/formation gases & cuttings/headspace gases. Our instrument is also integrated with a fully equipped GC enabling the simultaneous  concentration measurements of C1-C4+. MCWL Paladin provides emerging analytical and interpretive methods using isotope geochemistry to provide operators with GOR prediction, lateral characterization, gas origins, maturity modeling and other valuable reservoir relevant information. 


Innovative revealing of unconventional nano-porosity for cuttings, chips and/or core.

Tight Oil Analysis

Tight oil formations have different fluid mechanics as well as different petroleum compositions. Using standard mud logging practices, cruicial key parameters are missed. Our unique methodology examines whole cutting samples within 20 minutes. Applying a differential isotherm ramping pyrolysis enables the detection of key hydrocarbons that identify where the in-situ light hydrocarbons are in the reservoir. This provides a further look into producible sections in vertical and/or horizontal wellbores.

X-Ray Diffraction

Process of analyzing mineral diffraction patterns for industry standard mineral composition of rock materials. The collection of angle theta peaks in precise locations are able to match to phase patterns of known diffraction patterns. We utilizes a research grade 600W of power XRD machine that enhances accuracy versus the mobile 300W power machines. We employ the highest laboratory standards and utilize our custom mudrock/sedimentary rock axiom pdxl database for accurate phase identification of minerals present in rock cuttings and/or core chips.

X-Ray Fluorescence

Provides X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) both on-site and in our Norman laboratory for any job. XRF is a quick and versatile method to analyze the elemental compositions of rock substances. Samples can be analyzed rapidly after sample preparation to provide a variety of lithological information. Our XRF provides a library of chemostratigraphy proxies and depositional attributes that are specific to different geological formations. Geologists can customize which elements they prefer to view on the mud log as a separate track or as its own plot with our exclusive plotting software.

Production Allocation/ Fingerprinting

MCWL Paladin Geological Services offers fingerprinting/allocation via gold tube pyrolysis for production optimization. Our production allocation analyses extracts hydrocarbons from drilling cuttings and/or core via sealed gold tube with an aqueous solution with heat and applied pressure to reservoir conditions. We offer our production allocation via time lapse characterization to provide insights to vertical and horizontal production contribution. 

The MCWL Advantage

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