Chris Babb

Chris Babb

Chris Babb brings a wealth of experience and visionary leadership as President of MCWL Paladin Geological.

About Chris Babb

Chris Babb, President of MCWL Paladin Geological, holds both BS and MS degrees in Geology from Oklahoma State University. Beginning his career in 2010 in exploration and production within the Anadarko Basin, he gained extensive experience in operations, development, and exploration before transitioning to the service industry in 2020. Chris joined MCWL as Director of Sales in 2021, continuously improving market share and profitability, and was appointed President in July 2024, where he focuses on leadership, innovation, and client success.

Chris Babb's experience

Chris Babb’s extensive expertise encompasses key aspects of geology, operations, and leadership, ensuring exceptional service and innovation at MCWL Paladin Geological.

  • Mudlogging and Wellsite Geology: Comprehensive understanding of lithology analysis, wellbore monitoring, and geochemical testing.
  • Strategic Planning: Setting long-term goals and aligning operations with industry trends.
  • Client Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong partnerships with key stakeholders in the oil and gas sector.
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlining workflows to enhance performance and reduce downtime.

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